Why Written Content is Crucial on LinkedIn

Posted on June 12, 2024

In today’s digital world, capturing attention and building connections is vital. Among the diverse content formats on LinkedIn, the written word stands out as a powerful and timeless method for engaging your audience. By mastering storytelling through text, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable expert, share valuable insights, and inspire meaningful conversations within your professional network.

LinkedIn marketing strategist Michaela Alexis likens LinkedIn to a vast networking event where every post shapes people’s perception of you, even if you never meet them. Michaela has seen LinkedIn evolve and believes in the lasting impact of well-crafted text posts. While many marketers feel pressured to prioritize video content, she argues that writing offers unique advantages, such as conveying complex ideas and evoking emotions. Additional benefits include:

Non-linear format: Readers can skim text and choose to engage further.

Attention-grabbing: Well-written text can captivate readers, even with short attention spans.

Timeless appeal: Text posts have consistently performed well on LinkedIn, enduring various content trends.

Engaging stories can draw readers in, creating what Michaela calls “cozy content,” perfect for LinkedIn’s audience, who often engage with valuable content while enjoying a break. Features like newsletters and PDFs fit naturally on LinkedIn because they cater to users’ desire to learn through the written word.

Although writing may lack the flashiness of video, it remains a potent and often underutilized skill in social media marketing.


Developing a Written Content Strategy for LinkedIn

  1. Shift Your Mindset

To create engaging LinkedIn stories, approach writing as a developable skill. Reflect on your experiences, challenges, and milestones to generate authentic, relatable content. Staying updated on industry trends while infusing your unique perspective can position you as a trusted voice in your community.


  • Defining Success on LinkedIn

Success on LinkedIn isn’t just about likes and views. It’s about reaching the right audience with relevant content. Define your goals—whether they are new opportunities, building influence, or expanding your network. Understanding your audience’s core values will help craft content that resonates deeply with them.


  1. Generate Content Ideas

Once you understand your audience and goals, use AI tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm topic ideas. Describe your audience, role, and objectives to get a list of themes or topics that will resonate with them. Regularly review and reflect on these ideas. Share both successes and failures to make your content genuine and relatable.


  1. Crafting Compelling Stories

When structuring a LinkedIn post, start by answering key questions:

– Why are you writing this post?

– Who is your target audience?

– How do you want your audience to feel after reading your post?

– What is the main goal or objective of your post?

Follow a formula: start with an attention-grabbing hook, delve into the narrative focusing on relevant details, embed a key lesson, and end with a clear call to action.


  • The Hook: Capturing Attention

The hook is crucial—it should hint at the story’s climax and entice readers to continue. Use questions, quotes, or cliffhangers to draw readers in. Avoid being misleading; ensure the hook relates to the story’s core.


  • The Story: Focus on Relevant Details

Craft a well-structured narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. Set the context, introduce a struggle or roadblock, and focus on key moments that illustrate your growth. Be transparent and vulnerable, but ensure the experience is fully processed before sharing.


  • The Lesson: Embedding Insights

Each story should offer a valuable lesson. Focus on one central insight to maintain clarity and impact. Use AI tools to help identify key takeaways and ensure they align with your goals and audience’s perspective.


  • The Call to Action: Encouraging Engagement

End your posts with a call to action that invites conversation and interaction. This can be as simple as asking readers to share their experiences or thoughts in the comments. For sensitive topics, consider offering to continue the conversation through private messages.

By following these guidelines, you can create engaging written content on LinkedIn that resonates with your audience and achieves your professional goals.

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