The New Facebook Page Experience

Posted on December 14, 2022


If you manage a Facebook business page then you may have noticed that you have been switched to the new Meta page experience. This new page experience has updated everything from the page layout to management features. Many small to midsize business pages have already been automatically switched over and you as a page owner cannot request your page to be switched over or manually change your page to the new page experience. 

Once your page has automatically updated you are still able to access it through its public URL but you can no longer manage it this way. To now manage your page you go to Facebook→ Click your Profile Photo→ Select See all Profiles. Once the list pops up with your available profiles/pages you can click on the one you want to manage. You also can access your page through its URL and then click “switch now” to begin to manage that specific page. 

After your page switches over to the new experience some may have the option to switch back to the classic page experience. This option would be under the “edit page” button on the menu, you then would click the “switch to classic page” button. The downside of this is any content published while using the new experience will be deleted when the page is switched back to the classic experience. 

Since all pages will eventually be changed to the new page experience below is a list of new ways to manage your page when in the new page experience. 

Assigning Page and Task Admins

On the new page experience you will assign admins in a different way. Go to the left-hand side toolbar and click on “professional dashboard”. Under this tool there should be an option “page access”, click that. Once you are in “page access” you are able to see all the business managers and people that have access to your page. Through this new page experience there are now three different levels of access that you are able to assign. 

  • People with Facebook Access: are able to switch into the account. They can also manage it through Business Suite or Creator Studio.
  • People with Task Access: are not able to switch into the account. They can however manage it in the Business Suite.
  • Business Account Access: have access to the page through Business Manager, where they are able to delegate people to manage the page.

Updated Page Layout

With the new page experience businesses only get 100 characters for their intro section at the top of their page. This is compared to the 255 characters that were previously given as well as a 50,000 character section for extra information. When your classic page switches over to the new page experience all your page’s information switches over as well, but your intro will get cut off after 100 characters. Double check that your page’s intro still reads correctly and grabs the user’s attention. 

Facebook Page Action Button

Page managers have always been able to select action buttons for their page. These action buttons are located on the top of the page, and they prompt users to complete an action. Pages with the new page experience can create “Buy Now” to drive sales, “Reserve” for restaurants, or “Visit Group” to grow facebook groups. 

You are able to edit the Action Button by clicking the three dots to open the menu under the page’s cover image. You then select “Edit Action Button” and from there you can choose from one of the available options. 

Page Followers vs. Likes

When trying to build an audience for your page in the past you probably have looked at both page followers and likes. When your page switches to the new page experience it will focus solely on followers. You can still view insights for page likes, but eventually Meta hopes to remove page likes all together. This would allow for easier tracking of the number of people who can receive insights from your page.

Engaging with Other Pages

When using the classic page experience on Facebook there was no easy way to engage as that business page. Through the new page experience engagement is much easier. Page’s with the new page experience will now have their own separate feed that looks and functions much like a personal feed. 

You can access your page’s feed by switching into that page and then clicking the home icon. This will bring you to that page’s feed, if your page has yet to follow others you will be prompted to do so. You also can search for business by typing their name into the search bar and following/interacting with their page. 


In conclusion, Meta has begun rolling out their New Page Experience and the pages you manage will most likely be switched over to this experience in the near future. You are able to switch back to the classic view but this is not recommended. There are obviously some hurdles that will come along with this update but there are also some awesome new features. By learning more about each new feature you will be able to successfully adapt your Facebook page and continue to manage it.

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