Social Media Copywriting: 2022

Posted on August 8, 2022

We know that messaging is extremely important when it comes to your social media content but have you reviewed your approach and crafted a new strategy in the past year? Times have changed drastically since the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the way people behave, communicate, and live their lives has also changed significantly as a result. It may be time to recraft your copy and here are some overarching ideas to keep in mind as you do.

No More Fear Tactics

Many businesses used to use the tactic of fear to draw consumers in to purchase their products or services. Fear of loss, fear of missing out, either way, both created a sense of urgency that many would act on instantaneously to be a part of the “in crowd”. Although this may have worked in the past to get their attention, the way consumers buy in today’s environment has changed dramatically. 

Sympathy and guidance are the two key words we’re going to keep in mind as we build our new copy approach. Through the past couple of years, we’ve experienced enough, and it’s time to nurture those around us and understand exactly how our ideal client is feeling when making purchasing decisions. We’re now taking on the role of a family member or friend that’s suggesting a product/service to them instead of forcing them to “act now,” and driving fear into their consciousness that the product will be gone tomorrow. This way, the client believes your intentions are coming from a genuine place and it is more natural. Creating this environment will assist with building client relationships long-term instead of getting a quick sale. 

We’re Only Human

The first thing we’ll want to consider as we build our copy is who exactly we’re talking to. Focus on your ideal target market your company focuses on, the human behind the dollar. Once you’ve established your customer, you can then ask what problem you’re trying to solve for them, and what may be a painful situation they’re going through because of this problem that you’re hoping to rid them of. When you’re able to think with the consumer in mind and put yourself in their shoes, you can direct your copywriting to align with these pain points and further explain why your product or service is going to help them. 

For example, when a company needs someone to run their social media, the problem is their lack of experience but the pain they’re ensuring right now is not knowing which ones to use, how many times to post a week, what days and times are best to post, what dimensions are needed for Facebook vs. LinkedIn vs. Instagram. That is an absolute nightmare for someone who is not familiar with the technology in and of itself. That’s the experience you want to empathize with them on. Understanding how troublesome that process is to them and then show the support they’ll have with your business.  

Next, we’re going to add a little drama. Don’t worry, no scare tactics per say, but we’re going to “amplify” the problem just enough to remind them why they are looking to your company to solve the problem they’re having. Once you amplify, you can then paint a picture of the world in which they’ll be in once they buy and their problem is solved. It’s best to follow this up with a story. Whether it’s something you’ve personally gone through or you’re using a story from someone you know, explain what that situation was like and how that person felt throughout. Their struggles, if talking to the right audience, will hit home and remind them why they’re contemplating doing business with you. Use the struggle from your story, the groundbreaking, pivotal moment their problem was solved, and discuss how they implemented your solution to bring it home. This is now a real life scenario that they (hopefully) can relate to.  

Before and After…Always

One thing that, thankfully, has not changed with consumers is their obsession with seeing the direct outcome and successful transformations of using a product or service. Before and after photos, client testimonials (videos especially), and any other proof that what they’re signing up for worked for someone else are crucial to the final selling point. This will often push consumers that are on the fence all the way over to the finish line. Keep using these frequently to get the attention of your potential buyer. 

Now that we’ve covered in detail the extent of the problem at hand and expressed our solution, it’s time for the most crucial part…the actual offer. It’s so easy to assume that someone knows what to do to accept your offer but so many people don’t spell it out and say “here is how you get it.” Reiterate the features, the benefits you’ll get in tandem, and the advantages of moving forward with YOU. When this is clear, you can proceed with your “call to action”. Remember, keep it simple. They got this far and you don’t want to turn them away now. Make is super straightforward with a “click to buy” button, and a preview of your summary page to seal the deal. If there are any follow up questions or steps that are coming next, spell it out on your summary/order page so they know exactly what to expect. 

That’s A Wrap!

Remember, 2022 is all about empathy and getting to know your audience. Be thoughtful and conscious of how your consumer feels when crafting your copy. This will allow you to build relationships and develop a broader understanding of your audience to be more successful in your approach long-term. Out with the old, and in with the new!

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