How To Properly Set Up A LinkedIn Company Page

Posted on June 7, 2023

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. With over 722 million users and 25% of American adults using the platform, it’s an ideal platform for reaching potential customers, strengthening professional contacts, and even finding new job opportunities. But how do you effectively market your business on LinkedIn? Here is a guide to effectively market your company on LinkedIn in 2023! 

Step 1: Create a LinkedIn Company Page

To begin, you need to have an individual account created. This will also be the administrator of your Company Page (although you can add additional Page managers later). We recommend signing up with your work email address.

Once this is complete, now we can create your company Page. After you’ve logged in to your personal account, click on the Work icon at the top right of your browser. Scroll to the bottom of the menu that pops up and pick Create a Company Page.

Choose the right type of Page from the four available options:

  • Company
  • Showcase page
  • Educational institution

All are self explanatory except Showcase pages. Showcase Pages are a great way for companies to showcase their different divisions and connect them back with the main corporate Page.This feature allows businesses to manage multiple sub-pages while maintaining an easy connection between each division of the company!

After choosing your Page type, fill in the rest of your details so others can get an immediate idea about who you are. Your logo and tagline will make all the difference when making a great first impression on LinkedIn. Make sure you take some time to craft one that stands out!

When this is complete, click Create Page

Step 1: Optimize Company Page

Get on the path to success and optimize your new Page! Simply scroll down and click that blue Edit Page button.

Make yourself more visible on LinkedIn by completing every field in the additional information section. This will maximize your search engine performance and make it easier for users to understand what you do – why not take advantage of this? Companies with complete profiles receive an impressive 30% increase in views, so don’t miss out!

Here are few more tips to optimize your company page: 

  1. Use translations: With LinkedIn Pages, you can translate up to 20 different languages—including the name, tagline and description fields. This means no more having separate Company pages for every region – everyone worldwide will be able to access your content!
  2. Add keywords in your description: On your LinkedIn Page, use keywords to ensure Google recognizes and indexes it. Keep the company description short but sweet – no more than 3-4 paragraphs – so you can showcase who you are as a business with clarity: from vision and values to products and services. Get creative!
  3. Add hashtags: Give your Page an extra boost by adding up to three hashtags that are relevant to your content. Once added, you’ll be able to easily follow posts across the platform using these unique tags – all from your own dashboard! Like and share them for even more exposure of engaging conversation around topics related specifically to what’s important on YOUR page.
  4. Add a branded cover image: Showcase your brand and latest updates with an eye-catching cover image. Make sure it’s simple, yet effective enough to draw attention! The current dimensions for this space are 1128px x 191px.
  5. Add custom button: LinkedIn users visiting your Page will spot a custom button right beside the Follow option – make it unique to you by selecting from one of these options:
    1. Contact us
    2. Learn more
    3. Register
    4. Sign up
    5. Visit website

You can change it anytime, so if you have a webinar or event running, change it to “Register” or “Sign up” to focus on that, then back to your website after. Your URL can include a UTM so you can track where leads are coming from.

Step 3: Build Your Page Following

If you don’t make your presence known, no one will know to visit your Page. And if that isn’t enough motivation – just think about it – the only thing between a potentially fantastic marketing success and yourself is simply making sure people can reach out to you! Here are four easy and effective ways you can increase its visibility: 

  1. Share your page: Get your new Page in front of the right people fast! Sharing it to your personal LinkedIn profile is a great first step and can get essential followers like employees, customers, and friends quickly.
  2. Link your LinkedIn page from company website: Ensure you’re connected with your professional contacts by adding a LinkedIn icon to other social media links in the footer of your website, and any place else visitors can access them.
  3. Ask your employees and/or colleagues to update their profiles: Taking the time to ensure your employees’ job titles on their LinkedIn profiles link back to your Company Page can have a big impact in the long run! When people find and follow you, it establishes credibility for your brand. It’s simple enough – just ask them to edit that section of their profile with yours listed as their company name. After clicking on it and saving changes, voilà; now followers will know how many employees are part of this great team!
  4. Send invitations to follow your company page: Get your professional network on board and grow your Page’s following. Invite fellow LinkedIn members to like it with just a few clicks

Step 4: Execute LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

If you’re using LinkedIn to market your business, then strategizing is key! You’ll need clear objectives and ideas of what content will attract your target audience. 

Want to make the most of your LinkedIn presence? Start by considering key questions like:

  • What is the goal of your LinkedIn Page? (This may be different from your overall social media goals.)
  • What will you use your Page for? Recruiting? Lead generation? Sharing the super nerdy industry stuff that doesn’t perform as well on Instagram or Facebook?
  • Are you going to advertise? What is your LinkedIn ads budget?
  • What are your competitors doing on LinkedIn, and how can you create better content? 

Lastly, make a content plan: 

  • How often am I going to post? 
  • What topics will you cover?
  • Can you repurpose existing content?
  • How are you going to curate content? 

To get the most out of LinkedIn as a business tool, you need to do more than just post your own content. Remember – by engaging with others and being social on this platform, you can open up networking opportunities that could prove invaluable for your professional growth!

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